“One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.” Milton Friedman

By a 7-1-1 vote the Board of Supervisors of Loudoun County has continued her unrelenting march towards policy making according to Saul Alinsky’s playbook principle that politicians speak of moral principles but act on power principles. The new Office of Equity and Inclusion “will develop and implement an equity lens and tools to embed equity principles in the county’s departments that invariably could benefit every resident of Loudoun County” according to Chair Phyllis Randall. The 1st Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees life, liberty and private property protection to all Americans not just those alleged by the political class to be suffering from injustice, bigotry and intolerance.

By judging individuals according to their skin color, religious preference or gender rather than ‘the content of their character’ one can’t help but wonder what Martin Luther King would say. He tirelessly preached unity and against discrimination of any kind saying ‘live together as brothers or perish together as fools’.

This on the heels of the Loudoun School Board institutionalizing Marxist oriented CRT despite fierce parental opposition and promoting transgenderism that attempts to turn objective biology and science into a personal preference. Historically these ‘feel good’ ideas lead to criminal behavior and a dangerous environment for the health and safety of children. (See suicide spike after covid lockdowns) Obscuring the truth inevitably ends up causing life altering harm to an innocent party which is what happened when a ‘gender fluid’ male raped two young women in two separate schools in Loudoun.

The 14th Amendment of the Constitution grants all Loudouners equal protection under the law. Preferences based on race, gender etc are a denial of these rights. Racial preferences and quotas

History is our teacher. Russia’s Lenin brought redistribution reforms to Russia at the beginning of the last century. Land was taken from the bourgeois and given to the peasants. The military and police were liquidated. Rudolph Rummel estimates the human toll from 20th century socialism to be 61 million in the Soviet Union alone. I can hear the hue and cry: this is hyperbole and will never happen here. While we certainly hope not we must remember the frog in the pot who was likely saying the same thing before the heat was turned up ahead of his destruction.

By failing to honor their oath to support and defend the Constitution the Supervisors who voted for this policy have put money, power and politics ahead of the rights of all citizens in the County. Thomas Sowell a black economist who never spoke without first researching the data said the following: “Since this is an era when many people are concerned about ‘fairness’ and ‘social justice’ the question becomes what is ‘your fair share’ of what someone else has worked for?”

Will the tyranny stop with CRT, transgenderism and equity? Those of us who cherish liberty must assume the grab for unrestrained power will continue. In a constitutional republic it’s up to those who desire to live free of totalitarianism to reverse the current trend by restoring our Republican form of government in our County through the election of Constitutionally principled candidates.

— Woody Kaye

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