Gaslight 2023

In the 1944 thriller “Gaslight,” the protagonist’s husband manipulates her into believing that she’s going insane by dimming the gas lights in their house when she’s alone. The term “gaslighting” has since been coined to describe psychological manipulation that induces doubt in a victim’s perception of reality.

Gaslighting today is the blueprint of the 6 major media companies and their big-tech amigos who’ve spewed brain-altering propaganda since Operation Mockingbird in the 1960s. Media manipulation began as far back as the 1930’s, when Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, used the media to reduce the public’s capability to think critically, turning them into easy targets for Nazi indoctrination.

How do we know we’re being fed fact-filtered ‘news’ today befitting a pin cushion for gaslighting? The list is long. After buying Twitter, Elon Musk released evidence that the company had been colluding with the FBI and DHS to censor information about the Biden family selling access for profit, confirming what many had already suspected.

Hunter Biden, whose infamous laptop controversy revealed extensive drug use with dealers and prostitutes, also showed he was receiving $1M annually from Burisma, a Ukrainian gas producer, in exchange for State Department favors. When shown the hard drive, the FBI allegedly told the father of the laptop repair tech to ‘lawyer up’ — a thinly veiled threat against whistleblowers of the Biden administration.

Further, between 2014 and 2019, Chinese businessmen with links to intelligence agencies paid Hunter upwards of $31M. Email records show Hunter’s businesses paid some of his father’s bills while he was vice president. This means that Biden Sr. financially benefited from Hunter’s deals with Chinese spies. What favors or influence did these payments buy?

Next, we arrive on the doorstep of the crown jewel of conspiracy theories, which will likely cause every Biden adorer to swoon into a full-blown meltdown: the 2020 ‘election’. In many ways, 2020 was a flashback to the 1973 film “The Sting,” when Henry asks JJ about any tricks his nemesis, Lonnegan might be using. With a grin, JJ responds, “Just Poker…and he cheats, pretty good at it too.”

For those who prefer to believe the media tripe that election hijinks are just sour grapes, it’s worth noting that 56% of likely voters believe cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. 41% believe it’s “very likely”. It’s not hyperbole to say how 2020 is adjudicated (or not) will determine whether we live free or die.

Rather than bowing before the media, which demands we just move on, consider the following:

  1. Six battleground states stopped counting mail-in ballots at the same time.
  2. 435K votes made on electronic machines with internet access switched from Trump to Biden.
  3. Trump was ahead in Georgia, 57% – 42%, before 53 consecutive batches of ballots put Biden ahead by 50.05% to 49.95%.
  4. Trump was ahead in Michigan, 55% – 43%, before 141,258 votes suddenly appeared for Biden.
  5. Trump was ahead in Virginia, 52% – 46%, before 308,000 votes suddenly appeared for Biden in the middle of the night.

While campaigning in 2021, then gubernatorial candidate Youngkin said that auditing the 2020 election was a ‘necessary best practice’, before going dark after inauguration day, leading some to wonder who else has a seat at the Governor’s Election Integrity table.

At a recent fundraiser for State Senate candidate Juan Pablo Segura, Lt. Governor Sears was heard saying “We need to vote absentee because we’re losing there”. The movie 2000 Mules shows trunk loads of harvested ballots being dropped in the middle of the night at absentee drop boxes, making one wonder why Sears is peddling such a defective narrative.

Instead of fighting for honest elections, the political class wants us to believe the head on collision was a mere fender bender. Thomas Paine, author of Common Sense, knew the consequence of disputable elections. “The right of voting is the primary right by which other rights are protected.”

Yogi Berra the master of avuncular malapropisms reminds us of what the intelligentsia would rather we forget, “You can observe a lot by just watching.”

Whether you’re a Biden supporter, an evangelist for MAGA, or fed up with the whole kit and caboodle, one thing is certain, we’re all being spoon fed a scripted menu of outrage, designed to make our neighbors the enemy, gaslight us and take our eyes off our only political hope, the US Constitution. It’s time our politicians are held accountable for neglecting to fulfill their oaths to uphold the Constitution and defend our inalienable rights.

— Woody Kaye

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